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Your Valuable Team at the Helm


"Fundamental to our financial planning is assembling a team of well qualified professionals who become responsible for developing, analyzing, and communicating ideas to me, your relationship manager. My team has a number of years of experience and specialized expertise I draw on a daily basis to help my clients." Michael Aloi

Michael Aloi Photo
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Michael Aloi

Team Liaison and Client Relationship Manager

Email me a question: maloi@sfr1.com.

I started in private practice with Summit Financial, LLC over 20 years ago. Today my practice serves high level executives, professionals, and retirees. My approach to financial planning has always been the same - to educate. Clients are bright enough to make their own decisions, but they need someone to drill down and give them an informed opinion. Whether it's an income tax idea, a suggestion on a company benefit, or an advanced retirement planning idea, my job is to provide proactive customized advice so my clients can focus their time and energy on work and family. 

With my deep and experienced team at Summit, our holistic approach, objective unbiased advice, and our client first attitude, we strive to provide our clients with the one-on-one attention they deserve and the custom and sophisticated financial planning advice they need. 

Outside of work, I teach a retirement planning class at Norwalk Community College. My wife, Stacy, and I enjoy volunteering our time at several local organizations. I am the president of our local library association, volunteer at my children's school, enjoy reading autobiographies and writing financial planning articles for various publications. 

Professional designations: 

  • Master's of Science in Personal Financial Planning
  • Accredited Wealth Management Advisor℠
  • Accredited Asset Management Specialist™

Articles I wrote: 

Five Ways to Minimize a Higher Capital Gains Tax Rate

One Retiree's Story of How She Built Her Retirement Nest Egg

Three Potentially Costly IRA Mistakes That Are Easy to Avoid

Kiplinger's: Laid off with a Severance Package? Here's how to plan

Kiplinger's: 2023 Investment Outlook's Big Question Focuses on Recession

Kiplinger's: Rising Interest Rates Change the Math on Pensions 

Kiplinger's: When Choosing Funds for Your 529, Don't Make This Mistake

Kiplinger's: 3 IRA Mistakes That Are Potentially Costly, Yet Simple to Avoid

Kiplinger's: How to Plan for Early Retirement

Journal of Accountancy - When a client leaves or loses a job

The Tax Adviser - 7 strategies to save for college

Kiplinger's - 3 Tax planning ideas to help take the bite out of RMDs

Kiplinger's - 3 Ways to benefit from a Roth IRA, including a 'Mega Backdoor Roth'

Kiplinger's - Gifting a life insurance policy to charity

Kiplinger's - A financial planner's guide to open enrollment

Kiplinger's - One way to create income for life and a guaranteed inheritance for your kids

The Motley Fool - Why investment portfolios fail 

The Motley Fool - 5 steps to maximize your 401(k) in 2019

The Motley Fool - What happens when you miss the best days in the stock market? 

The Motley Fool - 3 ways to tweak your investment portfolio

The Motley Fool - 3 reasons I avoid this type of mutual fund

The Motley Fool - 5 reasons you need a financial advisor

The Motley Fool - Money and marriage

Stan Gregor Photo
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Stan Gregor

Stan Gregor is CEO of Summit Financial. As a senior executive with almost 30 years of experience, Stan has operated in banking, private wealth management, investment management, fiduciary trust services, fixed income trading, investment banking, retirement services, insurance, financial planning and public finance. Stan has been involved in acquiring and integrating some of the largest and most complicated banking, wealth management, insurance, and capital markets businesses and cultures with a demonstrated track record of increasing productivity, profitability and shareholder value.

Most recently, Stan was the founder and co-CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald Wealth Partners (CFWP). Under his leadership, CFWP grew to over $5 billion in assets in less than two years through several strategic acquisitions of RIA’s, independent advisors, and wirehouse teams.

Mara Stempler Photo

Mara Stempler

Chief Financial Officer
Noreen Brown Photo

Noreen Brown

Director of Portfolio Management
Michael Bremer Photo

Michael Bremer

Chief Operations Officer
Tara Pizzutillo Photo

Tara Pizzutillo

Senior Director of Operations
Brandon Smith Photo

Brandon Smith

Director of Integrated Planning Group
Barbara Hawkesworth Photo

Barbara Hawkesworth

Chief Legal Officer
David Porro Photo

David Porro

Director of Insurance
Anthony McElynn Photo

Anthony McElynn

Chief Compliance Officer
James Rabasca J.D.  Photo

James Rabasca J.D.

Senior Tax Specialist
Steve Melnick Photo

Steve Melnick

Associate Director of Investment Management